The Minnesota Yarn Shop Hop is free and open to everyone. A passport stamp and pattern are available to anyone participating. If you’d like to help area food shelves and receive a collectible, there are two options, EZ Passes or a Give as you Go.
EZ Passes
EZ Pass $50.00(+) Food Shelf Donation ahead of time at your main shop
Instead of donating at each shop during the hop weekend, give $50.00 (or more), beginning March 10th. Simply stop into your LYS and make your $50 donation to that store’s food bank partner.
Every $50 donation for an EZ pass includes a commemorative tote bag while supplies last.
The EZ Pass is also available during the Hop. Simply give your $50+ donation at the first shop you visit.
Give as you Go
Cash donations in any amount ($5.00 per shop recommended)
If you'd like to help area food shelves, simply give what you can at each shop you visit. We recommend a $5.00 per shop donation, but any amount is gratefully accepted. Every dollar goes a long way, as food shelves are able to buy in bulk at discounted rates.
Anyone who donates at a shop (or has an EZ Pass) receives this year's collectible - while supplies last.
Win Prizes with your Passport
The Minnesota Yarn Shop Hop is pleased and proud to offer the following prizes during this year’s hop.
For those who visit all 12 shops and turn in a completed Passport Card:
4 Grand Prizes in the form of gift certificates, redeemable in whole or in part at any or all of the 12 shops.
12 First Prizes in the form of a gift certificate, each redeemable at a specific shop.
Downloadable & Printable Passport Card for 2025 here.
Second Chance Prize
Turn in a passport to your final stop, regardless of how many shops visited, for a chance to win:
One of 12 Second Chance Prizes in the form of a gift certificate from one of the 12 shops.
Daily Drawings
Every shop will draw a door prize each of the four days of the hop from the hoppers who have visited their store that day. You can fill out the drawing slips HERE ahead of time to speed up check in at each shop. Statistically speaking, Sunday hoppers have the most chances of winning daily drawing prizes. So, don't forget to visit some shops on Sunday. You may get that phone call that you've won something fabulous!